Right to Education (RTE) Act 2009
The Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act was enacted by the Parliament of India this month (August) fourteen years ago in 2009. Indus Action was founded ten years ago on the values of justice and inclusion with the intent to support the implementation of section 12(1)(c) of the Right to Education (RTE) Act. This section mandates private unaided schools to reserve 25% seats for children from Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) and marginalised communities to ensure inclusion in school education. In the past decade, Indus Action has worked across 14 states to support the implementation of section 12(1 (c) of the RTE Act.
While approximately 5 million students¹ across the country have subscribed to private schools under RTE section 12(1)(c), there is limited understanding and monitoring of these students as well as state-level processes for this provision.

RTE 12 (1) (c)
The Act, in its essence, translates into social inclusion and provision of equal opportunity to all underprivileged and underserved children. Section 12(1)(c) of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 mandates 25% reservation of seats in entry-level classes in private schools for children from Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) and Disadvantaged Groups (DG) of society. The criteria for EWS and DG are defined as per state norms. Students whose families fall BPL (below poverty line) or whose parents are not alive are considered as EWS. SC, ST, children with 40% disability, parents with certificate of forest rights or belonging to tribal groups are considered to belong to DGs.
Since 2017, the state has been using an online portal to make the lottery system more transparent and the admission process more efficient. The portal works through its computer-based Management Information System (MIS). The modules of MIS are school registration, student registration, lottery, document verification, student tracking and reimbursement. A helpline is provided on the portal to assist the applicants and resolve grievances.
Required Documents
Birth Certificate
Birth Certificate of the child (ANM Registered Card, Anganwadi Card, Hospital Birth Certificate) Eligible certificate, self attested letter (date of birth signed by parents or guardians))
Calculation of applicant's age (Application age on 31-03-2024)
For address verificationFor class nursery - 3 years to 4 years It is necessary to be between.
Must be between 4 years to 5 years for class KG-I.
For first class it is necessary to be between 5 years to 6 years 6 months.For address verification
Residence certificate of the guardian (Aadhaar card, Ration card, Bank statement or passbook, Voter ID card / Voter ID card, Driver license / Driving license, Gas connection bill (which is not more than 3 months old) ), Farmer Photo Passbook (KCC Card), Registered Lease/Sale/Rent Agreement (Kirayanama), MNREGA Job Card, Passport, Address Certificate attested by Sarpanch or his equivalent authority (Deputy Sarpanch or Secretary) Address certificate (for rural areas) with photograph attested by the MLA, MP, Tehsildar or Gazetted Officer (written on their letterhead) can be provided. 9.
For identity verification
Parent's Identity Card (Aadhaar Card, Voter ID Card / Voter ID Card, Driver License / Driving License, Kishan Photo Passbook (KCC), Ration Magazine, PDS Photo, Card, Photo Bank ATM Card, PAN Card, MNREGA Job Card, Passport, Photograph attested by State Gazetted Officer or Tehsildar, Disability Certificate issued by State or Centrally Certified Medical Practitioner) 10. For Category -